Gut Health – 4 Week Training


Week 1

Gut Health &  Digestion
~  Understanding Basis of Gut Health
~  Digestive Process, The Key to Health
~  Three Qualities of the Mind

Week 2

Kitchen Essentials
~  Refresh Your Cupboards
~  Delicious Healthy Recipes
~  Health through Digestion

Week 3

Know Your Body Type
Overview of  your Constitution
~  Pitta Dosha
~  Kapha Dosha
~  Vata Dosha

Week 4

Healthy GUT  Change Practices
~  Daily Practices
~  Strategies for BodyHealth Success
~  Rejuvenative Yoga Practice

What’s Your Body Type Quiz Questionnaire



Gut health is the cornerstone of your health and immunity.   Struggling with digestive & gut problems?  We’ll show you how to improve your digestive health with the natural way to better health.

Improve your Gut Health and develop a better understanding of the role of food, nutrition and your digestion in gut health.   Find how food changes for good gut health through nutrition for life and good  health.

Available via meeting or phone.
Sessions 1 hour per week
eBook available for program